Introduce Self


Hi Everyone!

First I'd like to say thank you very much for visit my blog.

Let me introduce myself a little as I know you guys probably curious who's behind this blog lol.

I am just Indonesian woman who spends most of her times at her office and just go back home only for sleep and taking shower (as exaggeration as it is but it's real happen to me and definitely some people out here).

But luckily now my work has been loose lately so I have more time for myself now.

My interest is reading book, watch a movie, food hunter, travel, and many more.

My purpose for open this blog to share what I have been read in my free times, recommend to you and motivate all of us to be better as a person growing from the book that I share.

I know its been hard in our life & circumstance that sometimes force us to do what we are doing now. but it's okay you are doing well, you are not alone and it doesn't mean your world collapse.

It is a beginning and trust me you will be fine as long as you believe in yourself & keep your mind positive. 

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you."
— Walt Whitman

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