

Finding Self Love, also known as "blog," "site," or "website" in this statement, was written and produced by Myself Only. It is being made available for informational reasons only. This blog's content reflects the author's personal opinions, thus it shouldn't be taken to be expert advice.

Although I have done my best to ensure the accuracy and truth of any information on this blog, there may still be omissions, typos, or inaccuracies.

ARCs & Author Collaborations

Numerous publishers have been extremely generous in offering an advanced reader's copy in exchange for a review. Positive or negative, all reviews of the book Finding Self Love are entirely unbiased and unaffected by the favorable opportunity. Authors can also send review copies of their books. There will be a disclaimer at the start or end of the post or review if I receive an ARC and decide to write a review on my site.

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