The Magnolia Palace by Fiona Davis

By Lean and Love �� - February 10, 2023


Tittle           The Magnolia Palace

Author        Fiona Davis

Pub Date    : January 25, 2022

Pages          340

My Rating   

The Summary

Lillian Carter, age 21, lost her mother to the Spanish flu in 1919, and it has been eight months since then. Since then, her life has fallen apart totally. Lillian was one of the most sought-after painters' models in New York City for the previous six years under the name Angelica. Statues of her likeness may be found on famous structures like the Brooklyn Bridge and the Plaza Hotel. The job has dried up and a brewing scandal have left a mourning Lillian completely without a safe haven. However, with her mother gone, she is alone and desperate. Therefore, Lillian seizes the chance when she discovers a job opening at the Frick mansion a building that, strangely, bears her own face. She is drawn into a complex web of romantic liaisons, stolen jewels, and family drama that is so deep that the stakes may be life or death the longer she serves as a private secretary to the imperious and demanding Helen Frick, the daughter and heiress of industrialist and art patron Henry Clay Frick.

Nearly fifty years later, within the walls of the former Frick mansion, now transformed into one of New York City's most stunning museums, mod English model Veronica Weber has her own opportunity to build her career and with it, earn the money she needs to support her family back home. However, after being fired from the Vogue photo shoot at the Frick Collection with a charming intern and aspiring art curator named Joshua, she stumbles upon a series of hidden messages in the gallery. These messages could help Veronica with her money problems as well as finally shed light on a long-simmering murder in the infamous Frick family.

My Review

My very first Fiona Davis book! Honestly, I was immediately drawn to the book's cover. The lovely Magnolia Palace on the book's cover relates to the Frick Collection in New York City, a peculiar but stunning location that serves as the setting for the most of the story.

Two separate historical fiction stories, a light romance, and an intriguing murder mystery are all featured in this literary gem. The first stream moves through 1919 effortlessly, but the second stream, which moves through 1966 gradually, reads like two books combined.

Lillian, a female form model for artists at the time, loses her mother to the Spanish flu in 1919, and it is later discovered that she had a significant role in the death of her landlord's wife. By mistake, she agrees to work as Helen Frick's personal secretary. Helen Frick's father is the owner of the estate that would eventually house the Frick Museum. In the second timeline, aspiring model Veronica Weber is trapped within the Frick Museum after being left behind after a photo shoot there in 1966, during a harsh blizzard.

The thing I like best about reading historical fiction is that I always learn something new, even if it's often hard for me to believe because it really does happen. This book made me intrigued about the Frick Museum in general and Audrey Munson, who is partly based on Lillian's character, which led me to explore Google for more information. incredibly fascinating things.

I was surprised by how many specifics there were in the Frick family history. I became totally absorbed in both timelines and was captivated by both tales. Despite my limited knowledge of art, the explanations in this book allowed me to picture the statues and paintings.

Although the story may have begun slowly, it quickly gathered up steam and entered the thriller subgenre, where it improved in both intrigue and readability. The finale was really satisfying, and the characters were incredibly believable. by fusing fictional characters that were both inspired by and connected to actual events with historically accurate details.

Overall, I thought it was a really good book and would suggest it to anyone who enjoys a good mystery and is interested in history or one of New York's most famous families and buildings!

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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