A Postcard from Italy (Postcard #1) by Alex Brown

By Lean and Love �� - October 26, 2022


Tittle           A Postcard from Italy (Postcard #1)

Author        Alex Brown

Pub Date    : July 11, 2019

Pages          400

My Rating   ★★

The Summary

Grace Quinn enjoys her work at Cohen's Convenient Storage Company, where she occasionally discovers hidden wealth in customers' abandoned storage containers. When a priceless art collection and a collection of letters and diaries from the 1930s are discovered, her curiosity is aroused.

By digging deeper, Grace learns the tale of Connie Levine, a young Englishwoman who, at the close of World War II, followed her heart to Italy. The information also gives Grace, who is struggling with a shattered heart and taking care of her domineering mother, hope for a fresh start.

Grace sets out on her own journey of discovery, leading her to a powder pink villa perched high above the Italian Riviera. Will Grace be able to uncover the family secrets and betrayals that Connie worked so hard to overcome and find love for herself?

My Review

The ideal trip, A postcard from Italy displays the country's splendors.

This book depicts the Second World War's hardships, contemporary London, love, loss, and incredible journeys.

The variety of characters and their difficulties, the stunning settings, and the intriguing plot lines all flowed together so well thanks to the outstanding pacing. It never felt like I was reading two separate stories that alternated between the present and the past.

Grace was a special person who had been expertly constructed. She was a person trying to escape the mold that some others had given her due to their own failure to step up to the plate when called upon. Through her discoveries, she might be able to venture outside of her comfort zone and take that first tentative step. She only required a little assistance, inspiration, and fortitude.

I found it fascinating how the story evolved, and I believed the journal entries were a great way to give Connie a voice and connect the past to the present.

As it was mentioned in the title, Italy occurs in the book, though more so in the second half. Italy wasn't a huge plot aspect, which pleased me, but more that it appeared in the novel just when the past's puzzle pieces began to come together.

What a wonderful, comprehensive, and beautiful book this is. It's the perfect thing to cozy up with in the dead of winter when traveling to Italy's pleasant, warm climate. It offers a unique plot, likeable characters, and a ton of depth and insight. I can promise you that the story will rapidly draw you in.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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