The Things We Need to Say by Rachel Burton

By Lean and Love �� - October 27, 2022


Tittle           The Things We Need to Say

Author        Rachel Burton

Pub Date    : May 11, 2018

Pages          384

My Rating   

The Summary

Sometimes the most significant things are the ones we never say.

Fran has a deep love for Will. They enjoyed a fantastic life, a perfect marriage, and a quick love affair. before to when everything changed. Teaching a yoga retreat in Spain will help Fran rediscover her path at this time. She must make some crucial choices as she departs from a damaged marriage.

If things are ever going to get back to the way they were before, Will needs his wife and needs her to be honest with him. However, he might have destroyed any chance he had of mending their bond because now that Fran is in Spain, Will is left alone.

Fate could just find a way to bring Fran and Will back together as they each start to let go of a life that might have been.

My Review

I've only read one book by Rachel Burton, and while I had a variety of emotions while reading it, they tended to be unfavorable.

It becomes evident as the plot progresses that Fran and Will had a terrible incident, and as you read on, you find out more and more about what that incident was. You could feel their suffering because of everything they've been through.

The story alternates between the present and the past, which helps us understand Will and Fran's marriage. Fran's struggles with infertility and the strain it put on her marriage made it impossible for me to help but feel sympathetic for her. My impression is that after Fran arrives in Spain, the story really starts to take shape. Fran ultimately starts to accept who she is and what she has evolved into during this retreat with the support of the other retreat attendees.

The writing is colorful and passionate. The characters are real, traumatized, forthcoming, and engrossed. Additionally, the narrative is well-written and has a dual-perspective plot.

What then, in spite of all the good things I've just listed, bothers me?

Fran is a very endearing character, and you can really feel her pain, loss, and despair. I still can't believe it, even if as the book went on I began to suspect that perhaps Will wasn't so selfish and annoying. In order to get what he wanted, he drove her to the brink of despair. Tragically, whereas Fran had the chance to cheat but chose not to out of love for Will, Will will never be able to do the same. She merits a happier conclusion.

I have no doubt about their love. Sometimes you have to lose something to really appreciate it. But love alone will never be enough to forget or erase an affair.

I genuinely believe that if you truly love someone, you would never consider cheating on them, even when they were at their lowest point. This is true even if the story still contains messages of loss, despair, and fear along with those of transformation, hope, and love.

A couple stays devoted to one another no matter what happens in their lives! Avoid seeking for someone else when times are bad, and never justify your behavior by blaming the situation.

Whatever your communication skills, never betray a connection.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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