Love On The Brain by Ali Hazelwood

By Lean and Love �� - January 20, 2023


Tittle           Love On The Brain

Author        Ali Hazelwood

Pub Date    : August 23, 2022

Pages          368

My Rating   ★★★

The Summary

Bee Königswasser abides by a straightforward rule: What would Marie Curie do? She compares herself as an avenging, purple-haired Jedi who restores harmony to the mansplained cosmos. After years of surviving on the scraps of academia, Marie would agree without hesitation if NASA offered her the opportunity to manage a neuroengineering project. It would be a literal realization of her dreams. Duh. However, Levi Ward and the father of modern physics never had to share the lead.

Levi is certainly handsome in the tall, dark, and piercing-eyes sense. And indeed, when she unwittingly became the damsel in distress on her first day in the lab, he caught her in his tightly corded arms like a hero from a romantic story. Levi, meanwhile, was very clear about how he felt about Bee when they were both in graduate school; archenemies are best used in their own far-off universes.

Currently, Bee's tools are gone, the staff isn't paying attention to her, and her career is in a bit of a dilemma. Bee might swear she can see Levi melting into an ally, supporting her acts, seconding her ideas, and devouring her with those eyes. Perhaps it's just her occipital cortex playing tricks on her. All of her neurons are firing due to the possibilities. But there is only one question that matters when it's time to act and put her heart on the line: What will Bee Königswasser do?

My Review

First of all, I've always enjoyed The Love Hypothesis, and I've finally had to decide to read it now that our book club has selected it as one of the choices. This book has been on my want list for a while, so here it is.

Many people have complained about Ali Hazelwood's inability to write outside of a certain genre of novel, and I can understand why. Although we once again share the same trait and the fundamentals of the connection are very similar, there are still enough differences to emphasize the appeal of each attractive quality.

From the tough attitudes of the major protagonists to their in-depth understanding of engineering and neurology. I adored both Bee's character and her relationship with Levi. I enjoyed how many of the couple's misunderstandings were cleared up in the book much sooner than they usually are. Because you typically spend a lot of time trying to get characters to really talk to one another, it can be annoying. I didn't really encounter that here. It seems to be just enough to raise the stakes without getting too intense.

I'm utterly captivated by Ali Hazelwood's writing, which combines humor and sarcasm. The supporting cast and the storyline were also really excellent. Really to my taste, the pace was always fair and direct. I should also mention how impressed I was with the science throughout. I also feel like I'm receiving literature, lol.

Overall, it was humorous and delightful to read the book! If you're the kind of reader who dislikes books that share a lot of traits with earlier ones, I'm not sure, but I believe it's best not to pick up the book.

However, as I personally don't mind it at the time, go ahead if you are good with it:)

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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