Something Old, Something New by Amy Clipston

By Lean and Love �� - January 07, 2023


Tittle           Something Old, Something New

Author        Amy Clipston

Pub Date    : January 1, 2023

Pages          336

My Rating   ★★

The Summary

Christine Sawyer's ambition of creating Treasure Hunting Antique Mall, a store where customers can discover gems that are unfamiliar to them, has come true ten years after she graduated from high school. She is content with her life, if a little lonely, thanks to her store, her home, and her role as a devoted aunt. She is, however, accustomed to having less luck in love than her fraternal twin sister. While Christine remained in the background, Britney was always the popular cheerleader who dated the homecoming king and quarterback.

Brent Nicholson is still struggling with how messed up his life has gotten. He had an injury that ended his football career after leading his team to a state championship. He has now lost his construction company as a result of his alleged best friend. So the chance to spend time with his biggest admirer is a balm to his battered spirit when his great-aunt Midge asks for his assistance getting ready to put her house on the market.

But Brent ends up in an unexpected collaboration with Christine thanks to the antiques he discovers in his aunt's home. Is it too late for the former high school jock to win the heart of the self-described "nerdy twin" after being blind to her for so many years?

Christine and Brent discover the worth of what is in front of them right now as they let go of the bits of the past that they don't want to carry into the future.

My Review

I'm ecstatic to announce that I found this to be enjoyable. It was really a wonderful, respectable modern story. Although I dislike things that are overtly corny, this has a wonderful balance that I like. It was delightful to pick up this contemporary romance after spending several weeks reading way too many books with a Christmas theme.

Britney and the "nerdy twin," Christine Sawyer, were twins. Her sister Britney was the famous cheerleader. Two sisters are complete diametrical opposites.

Christine doesn't seem to mind being in her sister's shadow because she's doing okay. Christine was a someone I genuinely loved and respected for her toughness and ambition. I can't imagine being a twin with a pretty, popular sister.

While Brent Nicholson, the former high school quarterback who dated Britney, Christine's twin sister, throughout high school, has also returned to their community due to a significant issue that he must face and is powerless to dodge.

I was wondering how Christine and Brent would be able to overcome all the obstacles in their way, including people, circumstances from their past, their families, even their own goals and anxieties. Brent and Christine were really kind and giving.

I really like how Christine and Britney are becoming closer and how they are able to handle the issue, especially as it relates to Brent since she has had a long-standing animosity toward him. Knowing that her sister began a relationship with her ex, I can see how Britney feels.

Even if it was a touch predictable, it was still full of wonderful moments, and I would read it again without a doubt if I had to. Relationships are restored, secrets that have affected people's lives for years are revealed, and forgiveness and reconciliations occur. This is a well-written, endearing, and fascinating tale.

Fans of clean romances and small town romances will like this one, which was undoubtedly a nice surprise from beginning to end.

Thomas Nelson-Fiction & Netgalley provided me with an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. The thoughts I have stated in this review are entirely mine.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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