Saving Amelie by Cathy Gohlke

By Lean and Love �� - November 02, 2022


Tittle           Saving Amelie

Author        Cathy Gohlke

Pub Date    : May 16, 2014

Pages          464

My Rating   ★★★

The Summary

Rachel Kramer, who has grown more skeptical of her father's genetic studies, decides that this trip to Germany with him in the summer of 1939 will be her last. But all changes when Rachel receives a mysterious letter from her estranged pal asking for assistance. Kristine Schlick, a married SS officer, thinks that her husband considers their deaf daughter Amelie as a stain on his Aryan heritage as she perceives the dark tides turning.

The swastikas that hang like ebony spiders from every government building in Berlin are as threatening as Schlick, who Rachel once courted. She worries that the information in her father's papers may reveal what Hitler had in mind for people it deemed "unworthy of life," such as Amelie. She takes a chance by looking through his classified papers, but all she finds are startling revelations about her own past and a family she has never met.

Now that the SS are after her, Rachel turns to Jason Young, an unorthodox ally who is a motivated, disarming American journalist and who introduces her to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a contentious theologian, and the resistance. Rachel is forced into hiding, and as she and Jason walk a fine line, risking their lives and requesting that others do the same for folks they barely know but grow to love, their every ideal is tested.

My Review

I must say, this is really a moving tale. I learn something new every time I read a book with a World War II backdrop. I like learning about a conflict from all perspectives, and this book did not disappoint.

This harrowing and painful book gave me a thorough grasp of eugenics and its relevance in Hitler's Nazi Germany. The author was able to successfully bring to life a particularly horrific era in history through vivid descriptions, apparent historical study, and the inclusion of actual people who participated in World War II.

The story may have gotten off to a slow start. I was a little lost for a time because I didn't know what to expect before starting the book. I was shocked at how beautifully it all fit together, though, when it began to make sense. That was probably a good thing because it enabled me to finish what I had started reading. Everything takes place at the perfect time.

I also adored how the characters genuinely did have weaknesses. When the Hitler regime was established, many of them were forced to face the convictions they had formed as kids. Many people had to go past their obstacles, beliefs, and worries.

Keeping track of all the characters in this novel might be difficult. However, the plot is incredibly well-written and everything works together seamlessly. In the book's end, she discloses which characters were created but were influenced by actual persons who lived at that period and which ones were entirely fictional.

This book also covers a wide range of war-related subjects, making it a fantastic resource for learning more about the atrocities that took place at that time. Sadly, this book has ugly things as well to conflict, mystery, romance, and a lot of faith.

Reading this book is not a waste of time, and it is a great historical reminder. Sincere to the core, I'm ecstatic to have discovered this book.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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