The Meeting Point by Olivia Lara

By Lean and Love �� - November 09, 2022


Tittle           The Meeting Point

Author        Olivia Lara

Pub Date    : September 02, 2021

Pages          389

My Rating   

The Summary

Why do you have my boyfriend's phone, and who are you?

"He left it in my car. Surely you are the blonde wearing the red dress? I am the lift driver that previously dropped you two off".

The life of the brunette wearing a t-shirt Maya Maas is completely flipped upside down by these remarks. She had intended to surprise her partner, but instead she wakes up on her birthday alone in a strange city.

Maya seizes the opportunity to get things back on track when the mysterious driver saves her and advises that she cheer up in a neighboring beach resort. She didn't anticipate a customized schedule or the simple company that comes from texting a complete stranger, much less the prospect that it might develop into anything more.

My Review

I thought The Meeting Point was really extremely cute. It took me a little while to get into the story, I'll be honest. But once I did, the novel really started to take off.

I would characterize this novel as adventurous due to its surroundings, which includes beaches, restaurants, and enchanting, meandering alleyways dotted with old homes. All adult rom-coms contain elements of intrigue, mystery, happiness, and a small amount of sorrow. The interactions between the love characters are adorable and intriguing.

There are some lovely friendships that formed in this novel. Even though it wasn't always successful for her, the main character, Maya, comes out as such a wonderful person who gives it her all to try to see the best in others. She created stories about the individuals she saw, which was really beautiful.

also, her two closest pals! Celine could be my favorite character. After reading these few excerpts from her own story, I can't wait to learn more about her. A person who was always so helpful and never had a bad day. I truly hope she continues to act independently because she always placed everyone else's needs before her own.

The characters were quite unique, but the plot and direction were typical of rom-coms; it was sweet but predictable and lacked any interesting changes or twists.

I saw that the situation was becoming worse. In overall, the writing was fairly shoddy, and the hasty conclusion seemed ridiculous. It was not in the least bit romantic, and the speed was so rapid that I genuinely felt like I had been startled back to reality. It ultimately fell short of the standards that had been set, particularly during that essential final conversation between Celine and Maya.

The love interest seemed to be crystal clear from a considerable distance the moment they were stated. Perhaps on purpose, but it took a long time for anything to actually occur, and it didn't even do so till the very end of the novel. It almost seems as though the purpose of the final pages was to divulge everything immediately with no more exploration. I didn't like that, even if it's a creative method to pique readers' interest.

Overall, I continued to enjoy this book.

Still, it was an enjoyable quick read. If you generally enjoy reading this type of fiction or if you're in the mood for a light, fluffy contemporary romance, I would definitely recommend this book.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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