Keeper of Enchanted Rooms by Charlie N. Holmberg

By Lean and Love �� - November 07, 2022


Tittle           Keeper of Enchanted Rooms

Author        Charlie N. Holmberg

Pub Date    : November 01, 2022

Pages          348

My Rating   

The Summary

1846 in Rhode Island. Merritt Fernsby, a writer who is estranged from his family, is taken aback when he receives the inheritance of a lonely home near Narragansett Bay. Merritt is prepared to make the house his home even though it has been empty for more least a century—until he learns he has no other option. Whimbrel House is not about to let Merritt go, as its doors crash shut and lock behind him. Ever.

For the sake of preserving such buildings' historical and magical significance, Hulda Larkin of the Boston Institute for the Keeping of Enchanted Rooms has received training in taming such constructions. She is aware of the risks associated with households where children throw tantrums. She suggests that Merritt should turn to Whimbrel House as an ally. She will also need to move in for it to happen.

Despite having augury, a set of magic equipment, and a new staff member who has been schooled in the eerie, Hulda's work still proves to be rather challenging. The inquiry draws her and Merritt closer, but the secrets of the home are more extensive than they had anticipated. Furthermore, something outside is coming for Whimbrel House's enchantments, and it may be much more harmful than what rattles inside. This raises concerns beyond the sentient walls.

My Review

What a creative and unusual story! Perfect for me was this book. It crosses so many genres with grace and ease, from historical fiction to fantasy to mystery and romance, that readers of each can appreciate every word. There are numerous terms that draw you in.

This beautiful, fascinating book tells the history of a haunted house, the man who mistakenly inherits it, and the woman who helps tame it.

The prose may initially appear a bit jumbled and disjointed as the author investigates two absolutely different people in two utterly different locales. However, once the action really begins, you won't want to put it down. The later events will pique your interest.

I appreciate that the MCs' roots are revealed subtly throughout the story rather than all at once at the beginning of the book. Moreover, the characters' pasts are exposed to one another in a more subtly sincere manner than all at once.

Without a doubt, Charlie has built a brilliant system and a wonderful world. I liked figuring out how things worked and seeing how the magic affected every other part of the story. Hulda's augury was thoroughly explained, and it was equally as compelling as the other powers.

In all honesty, this narrative has a lot going on, but I like it. It made the plot seem interesting, so I found it hard to put it down. I was intrigued by the antagonist's plot, and I was pleasantly surprised at how neatly it all came together.

Although I thought it progressed a little slowly at times, I really like this book and would suggest it.

I definitely recommend this book, especially to anyone who has liked or is now looking for a magical language blend of historical fiction and fantasy!

I thank 47North and NetGalley providing an ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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  1. Wow, thanks for the review! I think this book is interesting just by reading your review. I love fantasy book with magical terms and we have mystery and romance here? I'm in!

    1. You should give it a shot!! It was sooo gooddd and I'm not going to spoiler it but before the prologue start, they have a page that you definitely surprised and unexpected but it makes you even more exciting to read it oh well at least for me personally lol. it's really has a nice balance for those genres that I mentioned.

      At first it might confused you but hang on there! everything will be start to make sense, hopefully it will lives up to your expectations! :)
