The No-Show by Beth O'leary

By Lean and Love �� - September 22, 2022


Tittle           The No-Show

Author        Beth O'leary

Pub Date    : April 12, 2022

Pages          337

My Rating   

The Summary

Siobhan is a life coach with way too much on her plate and a short fuse. Miranda, a tree surgeon, is accustomed to being treated like any other man doing the job. Jane is a soft-spoken charity store volunteer in her community who has no sense of worth.

The only thing these three strangers have in common is that they were all rejected on Valentine's Day, the absolute worst day to be rejected. Unbeknownst to them, the same man had stood them all up.

They are all seriously in risk of falling in love with a man who may be actively involved with not one, not two, but three women once they have each forgiven him for standing them up.

Is he more than he appears to be? Where was he on February 14th? Will they all be able to sort out the truth before their hearts are broken?

My Review

In The No-Show, three amazing ladies are followed, and they all have the same Valentine's Day experience of being dumped by the same man.

To be totally honest, even after reading the first chapter, I don't think this book has as much of a romantic vibe as I had hoped. It doesn't appear to work for me, but I don't say it's a bad thing.

There are numerous characters to remember because the story is told in the third person from the views of three separate women. Unfortunately, even though I read this book in just two sittings, it was still challenging for me to remember all of the different friends because they didn't stand out from one another enough.

Furthermore, I often scan the dialog because the characters aren't interesting enough to do so.

Besides that the book's main twist is clear, but the convoluted story kept me reading because I was interested in seeing how O'Leary would pull it off.

I understand the author's overall goal and can appreciate the "ingenuity" of the notion, but I just think it was introduced too late to have any real significance in the conclusion.

The idea is undoubtedly brilliant, but I hope it can be carried out much better.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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