Love, Liana... Sincerely, Kade by Allie Doherty

By Lean and Love �� - September 29, 2022


Tittle           Love, Liana... Sincerely, Kade

Author        Allie Doherty

Pub Date    : September 27, 2022

Pages          368

My Rating   

The Summary

Meet the chronically single romantic advice blogger Liana Dawson.

When she receives a request for sex advice from a fan, she is only one pair of granny-panties away from introducing herself as New York City's answer to Bridget Jones. There is no relationship issue when you have a firm believe in love (and rom-com excellence). Until a fascinating, if cocky, email opens the door to a whirlwind friendship that makes Liana doubt all she believed she knew about falling in love, love is something Liana can't mend.

Here comes the ass who wrote it, Kade Jennings.

Following his inquiry regarding the existence of love on a well known blog, Kade receives an offer he can't refuse from a lady he had no intention of ever meeting. This offer upends his world of one night stands, whiskey, and books.

Kade is familiar with sex, whereas Liana is familiar with love. If they can refrain from touching one other long enough to learn, they might make the best teachers for one another.

My Review

I have to admit that I was eager to start reading this book. The summary seemed really intriguing to me. I regret not enjoying this book more than I should have.

The plot was interesting enough for me to finish it, although there were certain parts that were unnecessary or were simply extra pages added without any explanation.

I really liked the enthusiasm this duo shown throughout the book, despite the fact that this was clearly a slow-burning book. They had great chemistry and brought out the best in each other, which let them be who they truly were while they were together.

The romance in this story is sweet overall, and I appreciate that some heavier subjects were touched upon. However, parts of the family issues, such as the abusive side character link, became so monotonous that it prevented this from actually seeming like a romcom, in my opinion.

I thank the ARCs from Lake Country Press & Review, Xpresso Book Tours, and Netgalley, which were provided in exchange for an unbiased review.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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