The Moonlight Child by Karen McQuestion

By Lean and Love �� - August 08, 2022


Tittle           The Moonlight Child

Author        Karen McQuestion

Pub Date    : September 10, 2020

Pages          343

My Rating   ★★

The Summary

Sharon Lemke goes outdoors on a chilly January night to view a lunar eclipse when she discovers something strange at the house behind her backyard. She observes what looks to be a young girl washing dishes late at night through her neighbor's kitchen window. But even if they did, why would she be doing chores at this late hour? The Fleming family doesn't have a child that age. It would be simple for Sharon to ignore this, but when former foster child Niki, age 18, moves in with Sharon, she too discovers unusual activities at the Flemings' home. The two decide to conduct their own investigation after contacting social services and receiving no immediate response.

My Review

This novel sent me on an emotional roller coaster and caused me a great deal of pain. I can still clearly recall the suffering this narrative caused me.

As over the top as it may sound coming from me, I'm incredibly happy I found this book. It teaches us a valuable lesson about how crucial it is to pay attention to everything around us. Particularly, a lot of crime occurs today.

Even though I don't want to accept it, I believe this story actually occurred somewhere, and it is very tragic. I become much more aware of my surroundings as a result of this.

I truly admire the author for bringing up such significant concerns that we all could seem to ignore, despite the fact that the story is no longer as new and we all know where the storylines are headed.

The plot, pacing, and characters are all really well done. Even now, I would like to see more of some characters to see how they are faring since that everything has passed.

Even if my emotions are a jumble, I'm actually loving the book.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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