Tidewater Bride by Laura Frantz

By Lean and Love �� - August 02, 2022


Tittle           Tidewater Bride

Author        Laura Frantz

Pub Date    : January 05, 2021

Pages          416

My Rating   ★★

The Summary

Selah Hopewell appears to be the sole female resident of the Virginia colony who has no desire to be married. True, James Towne has a disproportionately large number of men and very few women. However, Selah is already busy helping her father out in the family business. She is currently in charge of a ship arriving with tobacco brides who need to be taken care of as they sort through all of their potential suitors.

In the settlement, Xander Renick is arguably the most qualified tobacco lord. His extensive holdings produce valuable harvests, and his role as a go-between for the colonists and the potent Powhatan nation that surrounds them makes him vital. But Xander is already wed to his company and still laments the death of his wife, the Powhatan chief's daughter.

Can two people who are passionately independent find contentment and happiness on their own? Or will they find out that everything they've been lacking in life has been available to them the entire time?

My Review

I can definitely say that Laura Frantz is one of my favorite authors! I've just read this author's first novel, but I fell in love with it right away. I prefer this genre's form of historical romantic literature.

Because of the historical information mentioned, as a historical enthusiast I must remark that the author did a really fantastic job of research. As a result, this is fiction, yet you can't avoid the fact that you're going back in time to the first centuries. The plot itself is a well executed slow-burn romance.

What I also adore about this novel is that Selah, the female main character, is a strong, independent lady, especially in the 19th century Virginia, when gender roles were very constrained. Even though Xander has a complicated personality and a complicated past, he still comes off as a likeable man who I can still relate to.

Every single page of this book is worth reading, and I have to say that this is the ideal way to write a fill-in narrative that doesn't drag on for too long.

This novel is a chef's kiss, so if you love historical fiction as much as I do, you should add it to your library.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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