Perfect On Paper by Sophie Gonzales

By Lean and Love �� - August 10, 2022


Tittle           Perfect On Paper

Author        Sophie Gonzales

Pub Date    : May 10, 2022

Pages          340

My Rating   ★★


The Summary

Alexander Brougham, The attractive new kid hires a bisexual female, Darcy Phillips who gives her school buddies anonymous love advise to assist him in getting his ex back.

Her counsel was right on. Her romantic life is a mess.

However, that is precisely what occurs when Brougham discovers Darcy in the act of collecting letters from locker 89, out of which she has been operating her dubious legal, anonymous relationship advising service. Darcy reluctantly agrees to serve as his personal dating advisor in exchange for keeping her identity a secret. The aim? to aid in his efforts to win his ex-girlfriend back.

Darcy has a compelling purpose for concealing her identity. Some things she's ashamed of will come to light if word gets out that she's hiding behind the locker, and there's a high chance Brooke won't ever talk to her again.

So all she needs to do is assist a bratty, entitled, and (annoyingly) attractive guy in winning over a woman who has already fallen for him? What possibly could go wrong?

My Review

Well, the female main character in the novel is undoubtedly one of my fantasy role models while I'm in school, hehe.

Every character has a fantastic cast and an excellent, non-misleading LGBT presentation. I truly appreciate how this book manages to be amusing without letting the story drag.

Additionally, the relationship advice is spot on. The romance is so lovely and adorable, and everyone gets along well. Even the text is really simple to read, which is what grabbed my attention on the first page.

I am incredibly grateful to the author for creating the story. It strikes the ideal balance between humor and thorough research, especially with regard to this issue.

It is one of the finest books to start with if you're feeling depressed or having difficulties taking up a book because it is set in high school and has a cast of lovable characters you can't quit rooting for.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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