Meant To Be by Emily Giffin

By Lean and Love �� - August 06, 2022


Tittle           Meant To Be

Author        Emily Giffin

Pub Date    : May 31, 2022

Pages          368

My Rating   ★★

The Summary

The Kingsley family is considered to be American nobility and is renowned for its unrivaled elegance, political service, and military valor. Joseph S. Kingsley, Jr. passes away in a sad accident in 1967, leaving his flamboyant son to carry the burden of his heritage. Joe III, though, has a wild side and may be a touch careless. Despite his best efforts, he struggles to live up to both the high expectations of a nation and his demanding mother, Dottie.

Cate Cooper, meanwhile, has never been held in high regard. She, too, grew up without a father, and after her mother weds an abusive guy, she is left on her own. When a model scout spots Cate when she's sixteen, she realizes that her good looks might be her only path out of the cycle of failure that her mother has always experienced. Soon, Cate's image will appear in publications and on billboards. She feels deceitful, pretending to belong in a world where she never really did.

One afternoon, Joe and Cate happen to cross paths unintentionally, and they immediately click. But will their union withstand the glare of fame and the rumored Kingsley curse? In an exquisitely written book that depicts a glittering period in American history.

My Review

This narrative has some loose similarities to JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bessete, but it takes a very different turn.

I can't believe how much this book made me cry. I understand how painful it is to be in love with someone but, sadly, be prevented because of social circumstances, a different family, or a different line of work. Their romance is incredibly charming and captivating in a dramatic way.

The book also covers significant subjects like domestic violence. If we were reading from both Joe and Cate's points of view, I would have felt every syllable and piece of dialogue to be deeply personal.

When I chose this book, I didn't have high expectations, but it appears that it will end up on my favorite list as a constant reminder to "never look for love because love will find the way to meet you in surprising ways you never imagine before."

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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