Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak

By Lean and Love �� - August 08, 2022

Tittle           Hidden Pictures

Author        Jason Rekulak

Pub Date    : May 10, 2022

Pages          343

My Rating   ★★

The Summary

Mallory Quinn, who recently completed recovery, accepts a position as Ted and Caroline Maxwell's babysitter. Teddy, their five-year-old son, will be in her care.

Mallory takes to it right away. She has a place of her own, goes for evening runs, and has the stability she needs. Teddy, a nice, bashful youngster who is never without his notebook and pencil, and she genuinely bonds with one another. The typical drawing subjects he uses include trees, rabbits, and balloons. But one day, he sketches a completely different image: a man dragging a woman's dead body through a forest.

After that, Teddy's drawings became more ominous, and his stick figures quickly develop into lifelike designs that are much beyond the capabilities of any five-year-old. Mallory starts to wonder if these are glimmers of a murder that has gone unsolved for a long time, perhaps relayed by a paranormal power.

Despite being aware of how absurd everything sounds, Mallory sets out to interpret the visions and save Teddy before it's too late.

My Review

The book begins as a paranormal mystery, which I found to be extremely intriguing. Since it had been a while, I chose to read this. however, I believe the plot is not what I anticipated after a few chapters. even the twist ended up being too lame for me?

There is also a lot of nonsensical information. As someone who enjoys and is familiar with supernatural phenomena, I am aware that some things are difficult for common sense to understand, but in this case, I wonder whether our beliefs are just divergent, so I won't say much.

The plot and scenario are really well-promising, and all of the characters are decent. To adore this book as much as I do the cover, I just wish it had a greater development.

Overall, it's not an awful book to read, but if you're picky about mystery thrillers with paranormal elements, it might not be for you.

My ratings score:

★★★★★ Fantastic! Made me go through a lot of emotions & the entire book is incredibly beautifully done! 

★ Memorable! Despite its shortcomings, this book was incredible and taught us a lot. 

★ Good work! Nothing particularly remarkable, but still nice.

★ Meh... Mediocre with great room for improvement.

★ Extremely Poor.

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